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Production details :
Unity (C#)
A school project
5 Days
9 people
2 Artists
3 Designers
3 Programmers
1 Producer
[ ]
The pitch :
Iridescent is a simple 2D Platformer made to replicate the Amstrad cpc 6128's aesthetics. In this game you are a miner trapped in a collapsing mineshaft and you need to run and jump through the level to escape. The twist is that boulders fall on your command keys to restrain you and prevent from using them. You need to aim at these boulders and destroy them using the joystick of the Amstrad.

My role :
Movements and physics
My programming skills were very limited at the time so I worked on the basic movements of the character. We made our own game physics so that the character controls could feel the way we intended them to feel.​
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