Yunika's Struggle

Production details :
Unity (C#)
School / Game Jam
4 Days
7 people
2 Artists
3 Designers
3 Programmers
1 Producer
[ ]
The pitch :
"It's the most important concert of the new idol "Yunika".
You are the only member of the technical team responsible for the success of this performance. No mistakes are allowed, but fortunately your director dictates the instructions you need to follow and has faith in your abilities. You only have four buttons with different colors press. All you have to do is follow the orders dictated to you, while keeping up with the frantic, increasingly intense pace of the scene. Are you up for the task? "

My role :
Gameplay Programmer
I made the Quick Time Event system for this game as well as the scriptable object that managed the inputs. I worked with a student 3 years ahead of me on his curriculum and they mentored me which made me learn many new ways to approach programming.
Since we were only 2 programmers on this project, I needed to have more responsabilities and I ended up realising that I could take on more complex tasks without that much help from other.