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Production details :
Unity (C#)
Ludum Dare
3 Days
7 people
2 Artists
2 Designers
3 Programmers
[ ]
The pitch :
In Vamplight, you play as Nosfer, a bloodthirsty vampire who wakes up from a slumber of many days. Your goal is to go through the town and reach the church to appease your craving for blood ! Feed on the townsfolks in your way but watch out for the light and hide from it or turn into your Shadow Form to avoid it.

My role :
Basic controls and shadow form
Since the project was really short and I had limited skill at the time, I tried to do my best and did the basic controls as well as the Shadow Form, which protects you from daylight.​ I also made coded the after image effect on the Shadow Form, which was very interesting to do at the time.
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