Malenkiy Koshmar

Production details :
Unity (C#)
A school project
3 Months
12 people
The pitch :
3 Artists
3 Designers
3 Programmers
3 Producers
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Malenkiy Koshmar is a multiplayer coop, tension-inducing couch game in which you need to find resources to upgrade a totem at your base, while cooperating to not lose your sanity and go crazy. Explore the map to find items you will need. Watch your flashlight battery and make sure it doesn't run out. Communication will be your only hope of survival.

My role :
Lead Programmer
I was the Lead Programmer of this project and it was a first for me. I needed to manage my 2 teammates and their progress throughout our dev tool, Jira, during those 3 months while also express our input on decisions to the other departments in our team.
Overall, I managed to do these things and it allowed me to learn a new set of leading and communication skills.
Gameplay Programmer
I was also working on some gameplay features in the game, like the inventory, which was challenging for me since I never programmed a fully functionning one, suitable for a 4 player game. The most challenging part of creating a feature as important as that one was making the code as easily accesible and clear as possible to make sure that if my teamates could go through it if needed.