
Production details :
Unreal Engine
A school project
3 Weeks
8 people
2 Artists
3 Designers
3 Programmers
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The pitch :
Stendvärg is a fast paced, first person, fist clenching 3D platformer in which you use your agility and your pickaxe to finish various levels as fast as possible. You can run, jump, wallrun, walljump, launch yourself using your pickaxe and throw it like a grappling hook to swing through the caves. You also are equipped with glasses that change what crystal blocks you can see and go through.

My role :
Movements controls and polishing
I mainly worked on programming the controls of the player, more specifically the moves like the pickaxe launch and the wall interactions. I really took my time and focused on trying to make these features as polished and pleasant as possible when playing. I made plenty of values in the editor for the designers to tweak and change so that each feature of these mechanics could fit their vision.